Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Straight Dope On Mortgage Refinance Loans As A Loan Officer In Your Mortgage Business

Times are tough, there is no uncertainty about that. Interest rates are inching up and much of the hub-bub of the refinance roar is over. It's the hard loans that remain, amongst them mostly purchases.

It's clock to confront facts. The A-paper good recognition refinance loans are over. There is small opportunity that you'll be able to convert anyone to refinance, unless they are in utmost desperate fiscal heterosexuals and have got a enormous amount of debt to pay off (and in that case, they are probably sub-prime borrowers anyway). Because consumers are involvement charge per unit sensitive, even though they are combining entire debt into a less payment, you will be hard-pressed to acquire them to merchandise their 5.25% mortgage charge per unit for a 7.5% rate. It simply won't happen.

In order to sell these types of refinance loans (combining and resonant debt into the mortgage), you will have got to hit the customer's hot buttons. Are they concerned about lowering the monthly out-go? Rich Person they recently had a major fiscal alteration in their life? Lost their job? Unexpected bills? Whatever the reason, the customer's contiguous concern is the monthly hard cash flow. They aren't thinking long term, and what this volition make to their fiscal future. All they care about is getting back on their feet. And this is where YOU can help. But make it if it only do sense. Don't sell a loan if you yourself wouldn't make the same thing.

Know that long term, when you revolve debt into a mortgage, you pay much more than on that debt than you ever would by paying it off yourself. You end-up carrying the debt over a much longer term, 30 old age on a 30 twelvemonth note, and the accumulated entire involvement charged is much, much higher. Even 10s of one thousands of dollars higher!

Yes, there are taxation benefits to this and you can subtract the involvement from your mortgage off of your taxes. But, what haps cash-flow-wise is that the client is stuck with an elevated monthly mortgage payment over the long TERM. Short term, the concerted sum monthly hard cash flowing is less by combining debt, but long term their monthly mortgage payment will be higher than what they originally started with.

In order words if the client simply got a debt consolidation loan or a HELOC from their bank, at least when the debt is finally paid off, they would still have got got the same low monthly mortgage they have now. By paying debt though refinancing, long term the client shoots themselves in the ft by paying a higher involvement charge per unit and having a higher monthly mortgage payment (which will never travel back down unless they refinance again or pay off the note).

These types of refinance loans made sense when rates were low and clients were cutting both their monthly mortgage charge per unit and monthly payment. It was logical and the fiscal benefits could be seen in achromatic and white. Nowadays, these debt-consolidation mortgage loans are almost un-sellable. It's simple economic science and no substance how you seek to force it, it's a very difficult sell indeed. You would not only be doing the client a ill service but yourself.

Give up on these types of refinance loans for now. Focus on purchase loans and sub-prime. That's where the money is and that's how you're going to win in this market.

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