Saturday, November 03, 2007

How To Get A Loan With A Poor Credit Record

Many people with a poor credit history or a low credit score tend to assume that they will not be able to obtain a loan. These people assume that they will not be able to obtain a loan for a car let alone a home.

In point of fact, in the 21st century there are a significant number of loan options available to a person who has a poor credit history and a low credit score. If you are a person in such a position who desires to obtain a loan, there are some points and tips that you should bear in mind as you go about searching for a loan. By following these tips, you will improve your chances of obtaining a loan even if you do have a bad credit history and low overall credit score.

1. The first tip to keep in mind as you go about trying to find a loan (if you have a low credit score and a poor credit history) is to obtain a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. (Indeed, even if you have a solid credit history and a decent credit score, you should still consider obtaining a copy of your credit report from each of the three major agencies in advance of applying for a major loan.) The reason you need to obtain a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies is based on the fact that research has demonstrated that a majority of credit reports on file contain errors, errors that adversely effect a person’s credit history and credit or FICO score. As a result, by knowing what is on your credit report, you will be in a position to determine whether there is any incorrect information on your report. Upon identifying erroneous information on your credit report, you can take steps to get your report corrected. By correcting your report, you will be able to improve you credit history and your credit score, making it easier for you to obtain the loan that you need and desire.

2. The second tip that you need to consider when seeking a loan is to make certain that any of your revolving accounts are current. In considering whether or not you are worthy of a loan, a lender primarily will consider your credit history and credit report. However, a lender will also consider the status of your current revolving accounts (credit card accounts and the like). If these accounts are current and not past due, you will have a better chance of obtaining financing even if you do have a poor credit history.

3. The third tip that you need to keep in mind when considering obtaining a loan is the amount of income you anticipate earning in the immediate and not too distant future. Your lender will want to know exactly what you are earning presently and will want to try and accurately predict what your future earnings will be as well. The key to successfully dealing with a loan is to make certain that you have a reliable and sufficient stream of income to satisfy the terms and conditions of the loan

4. Finally, as you go about seeking a loan, even if you have poor credit and a lower credit score, make a list of those reliable lenders that offer loans to people with less than stellar credit histories. By identifying lenders that deal specifically with in providing loans to people with less than stellar credit histories, you will be well on your way to obtaining financing. After you have developed a list of potential lenders, you need to do some independent research on these different lenders. You naturally will want to make certain that you link up with a lender that is well established, reliable and reputable. (There are some less than ideal operators on the market today. By doing your own independent research, you will be able to ensure that you are working with a top notch lender.)

In the end, by following the suggestions outlined in this article, you will be well on your way to obtaining the financing you need (whether it be for a car, a home or something else important to you) in very little time.


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